Friday 27 February 2015


                                       WHO IS WEST KAGWA AGRIBIZ?

Welcome to West Kagwa Agribusiness blog;
West Kagwa Agribusiness company was formed on 4th, January 2015. It is based in Nairobi Kenya. it was formed with a main aim of imparting knowledge to Kenyan farmers on modern farming techniques so as to improve their revenue, livelihoods, attain food security and achieve vision 2030. This was after conducting a research and finding out that many Kenyans have interest in farming but they do not have the know how as well as majority small scale farmers are using obsolete farming methods.
 Transformation of agriculture into a profit making entity.

To be the leading organization in the world as as whole offering the best farming consultancy services and modernize Kenyan farming by 2025. 

 We are an agricultural-focused organization that develops and delivers innovative solutions to farmers, consistently outperforms our peers, produces predictable earnings for our clients, and provides a dynamic and motivating environment to them as well.

As we begin this journey to transform our country's agriculture,we believe that we shall make it if we work together with you the farmer or the aspiring farmer.

We will share our social media accounts once done working on them.

For now follow our blog and take this journey together with us as we educate you and we shall together succeed.

Antonio Innocent Mudong'i.
+254 719 894 759
+254 723 777 508

1 comment:

  1. This is a great site we look forwad to learn alot from it
